How Do you Play Spud?
Every scout is assigned a number from 1 to the number of players. Players form a close circle with one scout in the center who has the ball.
The scout throws the ball straight up as high as he can and yells out a number.
Everyone scatters except the scout whose number was called. He catches or picks up the ball. As soon as he has the ball, he yells “SPUD” and everyone must freeze.
The scout with the ball can then take up to 3 giant steps towards any scout he wants. He then throws the ball at the scout. The target scout can move all parts of his body to dodge the throw – except his feet.
If the scout is hit, he gets S otherwise the thrower gets S. Everyone gets back in a circle and whichever scout received a letter gets to throw the ball up for the next round. When a scout reaches S-P-U-D, he is out of the game. Or, after a set time, the person with the least letters is the winner.
Find more games to play by going to the Boy Scout Trail page.
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